Prime directives
1) Capture and share some of the observations and conversations I have with daughters three, which have both educated and amused me.
2) Share progress on family attempts to go from spenders to savers in David Cameron's brave new world of financial inequality and woe
3) Uphold the law
Ebay feedback score reaches 400
A momentous score really. Now if only David Beckham could have won THAT many caps for England
Nursery dry runs
Lisa took the 'little ones' over to try out their new nursery for a couple of days. On the first day she stayed there with them for a couple of hours. On the second day she left them alone for a couple of hours. Lisa said she had to try very hard not to cry (at least that's what she told me). I'm secretly glad it wasn't me leaving them. That would have been tough.
Because the girls are 21 months apart, they have been allocated to different age groups (situated on different floors of the nursery) which is a shame really although I understand they need to keep kids of the same ages together.
When they returned yesterday I sat a cheery Maisie on my knee and asked her what she did at nursery. She replied loud and proud "I had a little cry" as if that were the highlight of her day. Momentarily upsetting :(
I think despite this rather bold confession, she got on fine. Hope so, anyway. They are starting for 2 days a week as of next Thursday!
Shaping up?
At the weekend I purchased after having had my eye on for some time a pair of Sketchers 'Shape-ups'. We were out shopping so I popped in to try a pair on out of curiosity really but they instantly felt so lush I just had to buy them there and then. Lisa muttered something about my probably only wearing them twice then never again. Later in the day, having tried mine on, she ordered a pair for herself.
So, anyway, it will be interesting to see if they do what they claim to (burn fat, tone up muscles, improve posture etc.) and if my knee problem is in any way alleviated (or made worse?)
Watch this space
Getting ready for the move

We are getting ready for next month's move. Lots of things to organise, plan and sell (thank God for ebay!)
It's all a bit of a logistical nightmare really trying to co-ordinate removal men, two sets of estate agents, 2 small children, Lisa starting back at work, me commuting on the train, 2 cats, bonds, keys, cleaners etc. etc. etc.
One of my concerns is also in the midst of all the shenanigans the World Cup will be on and I fear that depending on arrangements I may not be able to watch the important matches!
I have been drinking green tea. I am now officially healthy. The two great things I've discovered are:
1. It tastes quite nice now they make green tea with cranberry or green tea with early grey. Green tea on its own is still a really acquired taste I reckon
2. It does not stain your cup (like normal tea or coffee) and that's got to be good news for the teeth
3. You don't have to faff about with buying and storing milk and constantly making sure you're not pouring cheesey yoghurt into your cup.
Ok, so as I was writing the list, it turned into 3 points, sue me why don't you :P
How NOT to behave in Marks & Spencer’s Cafe
Here is us (well, Maisie in particular) demonstrating how one should not conduct oneself whilst sitting in the cafe of Marks and Spencers in Horwich, Bolton.
Not the general lack of respect, the shoes on the fancy sofas, the noise levels and sticky chocolate cake fingers which are going unchecked.
Them knees, them knees, them pesky knees

After having suffered from quite debilitating knee pain for the past 2 or 3 years and having seen physios, GPs and consultants, having been patiently through the NHS system and had an MRI scan and given up on it, Lisa persuaded me (by booking me an appointment without me knowing) to go and see an osteopath. She'd been to see them about her bad back and got a quick fix.
I went along for the first session, very sceptical but came away with some degree of pain relief. She has diagnosed me with patellar mal-tracking, which means the knee is not moving properly and this is possibly due to a muscular imbalance.
I have since been back for a second session (which involves a deep tissue massage, which is slightly painful but in a good way, if that's possible). After the second session, I was given wall squat exercises to do (see picture) regularly. Incidentally, I don't put my hands up when I'm doing it like the woman in the picture does. That would be daft, unless of course someone had broken into your home and was making you exercise at gun-point perhaps.
So far, so good. I am currently able to walk up and down stairs with minimal pain. This is a massive improvement. I am trying to be patient with my rehabilitation which isn't really my style, and its a bit frustrating but I feel I'm actually starting to get somewhere.
I have also been given the green light for cycling exercise - just not getting much of an opportunity to do it at the mo.
I am going back to see the osteopath on Saturday for a third appointment. Watch this space.
Words Maisie is struggling with
Here are some words that Maisie still can't say, although she's nearly there with most of them and recognises that she is having difficulty (characterised by her laughter after hearing herself getting them slightly wrong).
It seems to be those troublesome 'mid word letter L's' still
- Banana (Dinama)
- Flamingo (not sure how to type how she says this one)
- Elephant (Effelant)
- Melon (Mewon)
- Maisie Miller (Maisie Miya)
- Lois (sadly she is often still 'Louse')
- Yoghurt (Low-gurt)
- Gruffalo (Gruff-a-woah)
- Smelly (Sme-wee)
- Pellets (Pe-witts)
That said, when she concentrates and says them slowly she can do it, which normally earns her a round of applause.
On a side note, although Maisie's potty training is still a bit fruitless, she has managed the odd wee in her new frog potty. Lois on the other hand is excelling with daily potty poos facilitated by her growing appreciation for solid foods.
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